Date: 24th April 2024

Shocking Statistics: Why DIY Electrical Work Can Be Dangerous

Have you ever considered tackling an electrical job yourself? While some electrical tasks may seem simple, our team of registered electricians strongly advises against DIY electrical work. A recent survey of electricians revealed that a third had witnessed electric shocks caused by botched DIY attempts, with 15% reporting these incidents resulted in electrical fires.

These statistics are alarming, and they highlight the importance of hiring a qualified professional for any electrical work in your home. Here at Wil-lec Group, our top priority is your safety. That's why we urge you to contact us for all your electrical needs.

The Dangers of DIY Electrical Work

Electrical systems are complex, and working on them without proper training and experience can lead to serious consequences. Here are some of the most common mistakes people make when attempting DIY electrical work:

  • Cutting through power leads: This can cause electric shock and serious injury.
  • Drilling into wiring: This can damage electrical cables and create a fire hazard.
  • Repairing electrical items while they're still switched on: This is a recipe for disaster and could result in electrocution.

Call a Registered Electrician Today

If you're unsure about any electrical task, don't take the risk. Contact Wil-lec Group today to speak to a registered electrician. Our team is always happy to help, and we can provide you with the safe and professional service you deserve.

Here are some additional tips to keep you safe:

  • Get advice from a professional: Even for seemingly simple tasks, consulting with a registered electrician can help you avoid problems and ensure the job is done correctly.
  • Locate cables in your walls: Before drilling, nailing, or screwing anything into walls, use a cable detector to locate hidden wires and avoid a potential shock.
  • Use an RCD (residual current device): An RCD can be a lifesaver by cutting off power in case of an electrical fault. Make sure you have one installed in your fusebox and consider using a plug-in RCD for additional protection.
  • Shut off the power: Whenever you're working near electrical wiring, turn off the power at the fusebox and use battery-powered tools whenever possible. Double-check that the power is off before starting any work by testing outlets with an appliance.
  • Check power tools and cords: Regularly inspect the cords and plugs of your power tools for signs of damage like frayed wires. If you see any damage, get the equipment repaired by a professional before using it.

Remember, your safety is our top concern. Why take chances with electrical work? For all your electrical needs, contact Wil-lec Group today. We're here to help!

Gary Stafford Business Development Manager